Colour | 0.2 Ohm SS904L, 0.23 Ohm UN2 MESH, 0.4 Ohm SS904L, 7 Colour and Black, 7 Colour Armour, 7 Colour Cobra, 7 Colour Oil, 7 Colour Resin, 7 Colour Shell, 7-Color and Black, 7-Color Resin, 7-Colour, 7-Colour (Rainbow), 7-Colour Carbon Fiber, 7-Colour Resin, Abstract, Almighty Blue, Aqua Blue, Aquamarine, Aquamarine Gradient, Army Green, Ash Grey, Atrovirens, Aura Glow, Aurora, Aurora Blue, Auto Blue, Auto Green, Auto Pink, Azure Trim, Baby Blue, Beast, Black, Black / Ocean, Black & Orange, Black & Silver, Black & Stainless, Black & Orange, Black & Red, Black & Silver, Black & Stainless, Black and White Resin, Black Armor, Black Blue, Black Brown, Black Camouflage, Black Carbon Fiber, Black Chrome, Black Cobra, Black Coffee, Black Green, Black Grey, Black Hands, Black Lava, Black Leather, Black Prism Rainbow, Black Red, Black Resin, Black Satin, Black Stabilizing Wood, Black Weave, Black White, Black White Resin, black-amber, Black/Black, Black/Gold, Black/Rainbow, Blazing Skull, Blood Red, Bloody Mary, Blue, Blue & Black, Blue Black Resin, Blue Black Weave, Blue Brown Resin, Blue Camo, Blue Camouflage, Blue Carbon Fiber, Blue Grey Armor, Blue Leather, Blue Red, Blue Resin, Blue Ripple, Blue Shell, Blue Stabilizing Wood, Brass, Brick Red Shell, Bright Black, Bronze, Bronze Blue, Bronze Relic, Brown, Brushed Silver, Burning Sun, California Orange, Camo, Camo Gun Metal, Camo Gunmetal, Camo Yellow, Camoflage, Camouflage, Carbon, Carbon Black, Carbon Fiber, Carbon Fiber & Black, Carbon Fibre, Ceylon Yellow, Champagne, Charcoal Black, Charming Pink, Cherry Red, Chestnut, Chrome, Classic, Classic Black, Classic Blue, Classic Red, Classic Silver, Classic Sliver, Classics, clear, Clear Frosted, Cloudy Grey, Cobalt Green, Coffee, Copper, Coral, Coral Pink, Cosmos, Crystal Blue, Crystal Sand, Cyan, Cyberspace, Dark Blue, Dark Brown, Dark Grey, Dark Marble, Dawn, Dazzling Green, Deep Valley, Denim & Black Silver, Denim & Silver, Devil Red, Drip, Drip White, Elf, EM2, Fiesta, Fire Cloud, Firefly, Flame, Flame Red, Fluid 7-Colour, Fluid Black Grey, Fluid Black Red, Fluid Black/White, Fluid Blue, Fluid Gold, Fluid Green, Fluid Rainbow, Flying, Forest Green, Frosted Grey, Fuchsia, Fuego, Full Black, Galaxy, Galaxy Black, Galaxy Blue, Galaxy Yellow, Garda Blue, Glass Fiber, Gold, Gold & Black, Gold Abalone, Gold and Black, Gold and White, Gold Black, Gold Black Weave, Gold Camouflage, Gold Carbon Fiber, Gold Gradient, Gold Shell, Gradient, Gradient Blue, Graffiti Green, Graffiti Red, Graffiti Space Black, Granite Grey, Grape Purple, Graphite, Gray, Gray Black, Green, Green & Black, Green Black, Green Camouflage, Green Carbon Fiber, Green Honeycomb, Green Leather, Green Light, Green Marble, Green Peacock, Green Red Resin, Green Resin, Green Stabilizing Wood, Grey, Grey Carbon Fiber, Grey Gradient, Grey Resin, Gull Grey, Gun Metal, Gun Metal Grey, Gunmetal, Gunmetal & Camo, Gunmetal Grey, Hill Yellow, Ice White, IML 7-Colour Resin, Indigo, Ink, Iridescent, Iris Purple, Island, Jade Green, Jet Black, Kevlar, Klein Blue, Lambo Orange, Lava, Lava Flow, Leather Black, Leather White, Lemon, Lime, Lime Green, Litchi Leather & Blue, Litchi Leather & Red, Lost Temple, Marble, Mariana Blue, Marsala, Mashup, Matt Black, Matte Black, Matte Blue, Matte Full Black, Matte Gold, Matte Green, Matte Gun Metal, Matte Gunmetal, Matte Red, Mecha, Metallic Green, Metallic Grey, Meteor Shower, Midnight, Midnight Blue, Mint Green, Mirror Black, Mirror Blue, Mirror Rainbow, Mirror SS, Mirror White, Mountain Mist, Multi Colour, Mystic Red, N1, N2, N3, Navy Blue, Navy BlueTrim, Nebulas Blue, Northern Lights, Ocean Deep, Ocean Star, Opal, Orange, Orange Red, P- Camouflage Green, P1, P2, P5, P6, P7, Pale Gold, Peacock, Pet Black and 7-Colour, Pet Tiffany Blue, Phantom, Phthalo, Piano Black, Pink, Pink Chrome, Poppy, Powder Blue, Prime White, Prism Black, Prism Blue, Prism Blue & Black, Prism Blue & Black, Prism Blue and Black, Prism Chrome, Prism Chrome & Black, Prism Chrome & Black, Prism Chrome and Black, Prism gold, Prism Gun Metal, Prism Rainbow, Prussian, Prussian Blue, Psychedelic Blue, Purple, Purple Carbon, Purple Red, Purple Resin, Purple shell, Purple Stabilizing Wood, Purplish Red, Puzzle, Pyrrole Scarlet, Quantum World, Rainbow, Rainbow / Weave, Rainbow & Black, Rainbow Black, Rainbow Black Weave, Rainbow Candy, Rainbow Chrome, Rainbow Green, Rainbow Leather, Rainbow Resin, Rainbow Trim, Rainbow Vortex, Rainbow/rainbow, Rasta Green Armor, Red, Red & Gold, Red & Black, Red & Gold, Red and Black, Red Black, Red Camouflage, Red Carbon, Red Carbon Fiber, Red Chrome, Red Copper, Red Gradient, Red Grey Armour, Red Light, Red Resin, Red Stabilizing Wood, Red Yellow Resin, Red/Maroon, Red&Black, Reddish Brown, Retro, Retro Brown, Retro Red, Retro Yellow, Rhodonite, River Wood, Rose, Rose Blue, Rose Gold, Rosy Brown, Ruby, S- Waterfall Black, S-Red, Sahara Brown, Sakura Pink, Sapphire Blue, Satin, Scarlet, Shading Grey, Shadow, Shale Black, Shiny Black, Sierra Blue, Signature Orange, Siliver, Silver, Silver Black, Silver Blue, Silver Carbon Fiber, Silver Chafer, Silver Fantasy, Silver Grey, Silver Grit, Silver Leather, Silver Retro, Silver with Blue Camo, silver-coffee brown, Sky Blue, Slate Grey, Sleath Black, Sliver, Sliver Resin, Space Black, Space Gray, Space Grey, Sparkle Champagne, SS, SS Fantasy, Stainless, Stainless Steel, Starry, Starry Night, Stealth Black, Steel, Sunset, Sunset and Crystal, Swag Gold, Tea Green, Teal, Teal Blue, Tealblue, Tidal, Transparent Blue, Transparent Gold, Transparent Red, Transparent White, Tulip, Turquiose Gradient, Turquoise, Ultramarine Blue, Unique Red, Urban Camo, Vast Sky, Vintage Grey & Silver, Violet, White, White / Rainbow, White Armor, White Carbon Fiber, White Cobra, White/Red, Wood, Wood Grain, Yellow, Yellow Purple Resin, Yellow/Gold Honeycomb, Zebra Stripe, Zeus Blue, Zeus Gold, Zeus Rainbow |